Monday, December 17, 2007

Week #1---restart!

Well as you can see by the last time I posted that I've been lacking in my weight watchers skills. Now that I'm completely done nursing I've decided that it's time to get my butt back into gear and start back up with WW and also with blogging. I've been slacking quite a bit and need to get into gear! So I'm making it my goal to blog here once a week...on Mondays! My new weigh-in day!

My current weight: 159.2 pounds as of this morning
My new goal: 150# by February 10th, 2008. (10 weeks from now!)
My personal goal for the week: Stay on plan, track everything I eat, drink lots of water and BLOG!

Now that I got some new clothes for my birthday and I'm sure I'll get more for Christmas, I want to be able to fit into them and not need a larger size!