Tuesday, June 26, 2007

week 9...

Well, I'm onto week #9 of weight watchers. I didn't think last week went very well, as I didn't seem to eat very well and I didn't really get a chance for exercise...it was just too dang hot for walking! But I did manage to get in a minimum of 96 ounces of water everday last week, minus the weekends, I never seem to drink as much water on the weekends as I do during the week. Must be the water cooler at work, it's so inviting! I don't think about it as much when I'm home, I don't drink much of anything at home. Mainly because the kids keep me busy when I'm home and I don't think of it much!

Over all, I feel somewhat sucessful, looking back however I really honestly couldn't tell you everything I ate all last week. I know I didn't do so hot over the weekend when we were out of town, it's always tough to eat right when we're away from home. Especially on Saturday when were at my Grandma's house and there was a lot of sweets sitting around all day, and her delectable pretty much sinful Chocolate chip bars, which I love, and I'm sure I ate a few too many throughout the day, but I also had a lot of fresh fruit over the weekend, so it's hard to say!
Now for the numbers...

Weight Loss for the week: 3 pounds!

Weight at weigh-in this morning: 164.8#

Total weightloss thus far: 13 pounds!

# of pounds to go until I've hit 10% loss: 4.8#

Goal by Paul's first birthday: 150#

Goal for the week: to exercise more, eat more fruits and veggies.

So far today I'm doing well. For breakfast I had a glass of milk, a small glass of oj, and 2 bran muffins. For lunch I had a chicken salad sandwhich on whole wheat bread with lettuce, a small amount of chips, a pickle spear and a diet coke. For dinner I had a Grilled Southwest Chicken Salad from McDonald's, which by the way is very tasty and only 6 points for the entire thing! I didn't even snack in between meals nor did I have a desire to snack between meals. And if I have enough will power I'll head to bed without having one of my Granny's chocolate chip cookies she sent home with me on Sunday. I feel really good about myself so far! Hopefully the rest of this week goes just as well!

Check back next week for another update!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

week 8...

Picture above: approximately 168 pounds. 06.17.07

This will be quick, as I'm tired and ready for bed!

I lost .2 pounds this week. I weighed in at 167.8 pounds. But that brings me to a grand total of 10 pounds lost! Which makes me feel good. I wish I would have lost more, but I had a crappy week of eating last week. We went out to lunch everyday I worked last week. I tried to eat well, but sometimes it's tough. Especially the days we have Pizza Ranch Buffet. I love it and hate it all at the same time. I love it because its so good, but hate it because I way over eat there.

I feel like I'm in need of some encouragement this week to help me along in my journey. I haven't been getting as much encouragement at home as I had in the past few weeks, and I don't consider "Should you be eating that?" as encouragement. Also, I need someone pushing me! And checking in on my weigh in's. Kelly and I check in with each other on weekly basis, but I need more support! Please help me along in my journey!

This week, I'm hoping I'm starting off on a better foot. Yesterday I had 3 good/healthy meals. Today I had my Kashi cereal, milk and oj for breakfast. A chicken taco salad for lunch and a chicken breast and mac and cheese for dinner. And a dish of light ice cream-mint chocolate chip for dessert. I also drank about 5 of my tumblers (24 oz tumbler) during my work day and have filled it up to take with to bed tonight.

On to week 9...

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Week 7...`

Well, I'm onto week SEVEN! I was down 1.2 pounds today, which equal 9.8 pounds total in 7 weeks. I'm so excited! By next week I should be down 10 pounds total and Only have 7 pounds to go until I'm at 10% weight loss and then I'll set a new goal. The goal WW set for me was to lose 10% of my body weight, even though I really want to lose more than that. Keeping my fingers crossed!

I've been watching what I eat and making sure I eat healthier and definitely making sure I'm getting my water in everyday. I have an insulated tumbler from Tupperware that holds 24 ounces, which would equal 3 glasses of water. I drink about 3-4 of those during the day at work, so I'm definitely getting my water intake. I make myself drink 3 of those tumblers full of water before I allow myself to have a pop, and I've switched to Diet Coke instead of regular and Diet Dr. Pepper instead of regular. While I enjoy the occasional Regular Coke or Regular Dr. Pepper, the diet pop doesn't count for any calories and I need my caffeine, so why not drink the diet? Besides, the taste has grown on me! I try my hardest to stay in my point range everyday. Which so far, hasn't been hard at all.

I've found a new cereal that I love. It's Kashi GoLean CRUNCH! It's great! If you like whole grain cereal, it has 9 whole grains and lots of protien and fiber in it. I had some for breakfast this morning and didn't get hungry until just before lunch time. And we don't have lunch until 12:30 or 1:00. It's the first cereal that has ever actually filled me up aside from hot cereal like oatmeal and malt o meal. I got a free sample first by going to www.kashi.com and requested a free sample (they had a link for it) and now I think I'm hooked. I got a big box at Sam's club with two bags of cereal in it. YUM!

Kelly and I went for an hour long walk tonight with the kiddos while our hubby's were watching deadliest catch...yes they are dorks! We had a great walk and it's definately a work out pushing the stroller and now in all this heat/humidty, it really adds to the work out!

That's all for my update this week. Check back next Tuesday to see if I hit my 10 pound goal. I'm setting mini-goals for myself and working my way up to the big ones!


Thursday, June 7, 2007

My weight loss journey...

Above Picture: April 28, 2007. Approximate weight: 177.8 pounds
I am into week #6 of my weight loss journey. I started doing Weight Watchers on May 1, 2007. My good friend Kelly had been doing weight watchers for a while and I saw it was working for her, and I thought to myself when we returned from vacation, "I've gotta try something different", so I thought I'd give Weight Watchers a whirl. I'm doing the online version and not going to meetings, but I can track all my meals, etc online and do all my weigh-in's that way.

I'm tired of being overweight and felt that I was going no where trying to lose weight on my own. When I got pregnant with Amelia, I weighed 172 pounds. About 4 days before I delivered her and my final weigh-in at my Doctor, I topped the scales at 208 pounds. Talk about holy huge! I didn't think much of it at the time, after all I was pregnant. Well I lost my pregnancy weight very quickly. By time I was 2 weeks post-partum, I only had 10 pounds go to get to my pre-pregnancy weight. Then I never really kept track of my weight after that. When I found out I was pregnant with Paul, which by time I found out, I was approximatly 7-8 weeks along. I weight 168#, so this time I weighed less when I started my pregnancy, and my last weigh-in before he was born I weight 201#. Again the weight came off fairly quick, by time I was 2 weeks post-partum I had about 12 pounds or so to lose to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight, figured that would be no problem since I was nursing and everything. Well, I don't think the holidays worked in my favor as fas as losing my weight. So before we went on vacation at the end of April, I was determined to lose 10 pounds, I had about 10 weeks to lose it and figured it would be no problem, so I started exercising more (walking and pushing about 60-75 pounds with both kids in the double stroller) and eating better and snacking less. Well I lost about 2-3 pounds in those 10 weeks.

When we returned from vacation at the end of April, I knew something had to change, so I decided I would start weight watchers. When I started WW, I weighed in at 177.8 pounds on May 1, 2007...6 months post-partum. My ultimate goal is to lose about 25-27 pounds and get down to 150. I weight around 150ish when we got Married and I know there is no way I could slip into my size 10 wedding dress these days.

Here is my weight loss by week:

Starting week 2 05.08.07 Weighed 176 pounds 2.8 pounds lost

start of week 3 05.15.07 Weighed 173.2 pounds 4.6 pounds lost

week 4 05.22.07 Weight: 172.4 pounds *5.4 pounds lost*

week 5 05.29.07 weight: 172.2 pounds 5.6 pounds lost

week 6 06.05.07 weight 169.2 pounds 8.6 pounds lost

So next week will be onto week number 7. I have 9.2 pounds to lose until I've lost 10% of my body weight. I will try and update this weekly and maybe I'll post some new recipes I've been trying and also maybe looking for a little encourangement.

I want to lose at least 25 pounds before we head to Vegas. I still have about 5 months to lose that, but could really use the encouragement along the way. Kevin is a huge help and a great supporter, as is Kelly, we check in with each other on our weigh-in day and see how the other is doing! I'm a believer that WW really does work and I think it's a great program. It's really helped me realize how much I was eating before and that I was eating WAY too much!

If you are trying to lose weight and not having any luck, I strongly suggest you check out www.weightwatchers.com It's a very easy program to follow. Like I said, I'm a BELIEVER! The even give you encouragement with your weekly weigh-in's. It's great!

Keep looking out for updates! :)