Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Week 19.......

Okay...so I've been slacking a little....okay A LOT! It's not week 19 and I didn't post at all for week 18. I think I've fallen off the wagon! Ever since the State Fair aka pig out fest, I just don't seem to have the motivation that I did in the beginning. Maybe it's because I've lost over 20 pounds and now I'm just losing steam and I'm able to fit into a smaller size, so I've just given up? I don't know! Help me to understand. Anyway, this starts a new week and I'm getting my butt in gear. I just need a little encouragement.

Interesting fact of the day....I've discovered my Wedding Ring and Promise rings to be too large. They are slipping all over my fingers, I haven't noticed this in the past. Who knows!

Anyway, here are my stats for week 18 and 19. Boring I know!

Week 18: 9.04.07
Weigh-in: 157.0
Down: .8 from week 17 weigh-in following the state fair

Week 19: 09.11.07
Weigh-in: 155.2
down: 1.8 from week 18

Now that I look back at my WW charts from WW online. I'm actually lowest I've been the whole time. My WI the week before the state fair was 155.6 and I'm 155.2 WOO HOO!

Send encouragement my way to get back on track!

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