Tuesday, August 14, 2007

week 14 and 15

I just realized, I never blogged about my week 14. I don't remember much of it. Other than my weight held steady at 158.0 from the week before. Last week we had my cousins Courtney and Britta staying with us and it was a tough week eating wise. I ate more than usual, didn't drink as much water and ate things I haven't really been eating...namely ice cream. Then we spend the weekend out of town at my Grandparents house and of course, have fabulous meals there. Plus Saturday night for dinner my dad made his Famous fried chicken...which I haven't had in at least 10 years. It's to die for and I ate that, sweet corn, homemade fries and rolls...yummy! Plus we grabbed McD's on the way home Sunday evening.

But with all that eating I did, I only gained .6 pounds, so I'm back up to 158.6, which isn't bad considering the week I had eating wise. Today I start a new week and have time to get myself back in gear, right now I'm lacking motivation. Hopefully I can kick myself in the butt and get going. I need a little encouragemet.

Better head to bed...

Here's to a new week.

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