Friday, August 3, 2007

Week 13...week late

Pic above taken: 8/3/07 approximate weight: 158.0

Week 13...I'm a little late posting this for the week, but it's better to be a little late than never! Okay so I'm a week late. I started this last week when the kids and I were at my mom's for the Relay for Life. I had a good week. I suprisingly got in a lot of exercise last week. We walked to the Kolacky Days festivites from our house and it's about a half hour walk downtown and to the park. Plus it was hot out! Anyway this will be short and sweet.

Weigh-in last week (7/31) 158.0

Total weight lost: 19.8 pounds

Weight to go to hit 150#: 8 pounds.

Goal for the week: Track!

*I didn't get a chance to weigh-in this morning. I will be doing it tomorrow morning and posting it tomorrow night. I have a feeling it's going to be a rough week! Courtney and Britta are staying with us and I'm eating more things that I do in a typical week. ie: ice cream!

Check back tomorrow!

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