Thursday, June 7, 2007

My weight loss journey...

Above Picture: April 28, 2007. Approximate weight: 177.8 pounds
I am into week #6 of my weight loss journey. I started doing Weight Watchers on May 1, 2007. My good friend Kelly had been doing weight watchers for a while and I saw it was working for her, and I thought to myself when we returned from vacation, "I've gotta try something different", so I thought I'd give Weight Watchers a whirl. I'm doing the online version and not going to meetings, but I can track all my meals, etc online and do all my weigh-in's that way.

I'm tired of being overweight and felt that I was going no where trying to lose weight on my own. When I got pregnant with Amelia, I weighed 172 pounds. About 4 days before I delivered her and my final weigh-in at my Doctor, I topped the scales at 208 pounds. Talk about holy huge! I didn't think much of it at the time, after all I was pregnant. Well I lost my pregnancy weight very quickly. By time I was 2 weeks post-partum, I only had 10 pounds go to get to my pre-pregnancy weight. Then I never really kept track of my weight after that. When I found out I was pregnant with Paul, which by time I found out, I was approximatly 7-8 weeks along. I weight 168#, so this time I weighed less when I started my pregnancy, and my last weigh-in before he was born I weight 201#. Again the weight came off fairly quick, by time I was 2 weeks post-partum I had about 12 pounds or so to lose to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight, figured that would be no problem since I was nursing and everything. Well, I don't think the holidays worked in my favor as fas as losing my weight. So before we went on vacation at the end of April, I was determined to lose 10 pounds, I had about 10 weeks to lose it and figured it would be no problem, so I started exercising more (walking and pushing about 60-75 pounds with both kids in the double stroller) and eating better and snacking less. Well I lost about 2-3 pounds in those 10 weeks.

When we returned from vacation at the end of April, I knew something had to change, so I decided I would start weight watchers. When I started WW, I weighed in at 177.8 pounds on May 1, 2007...6 months post-partum. My ultimate goal is to lose about 25-27 pounds and get down to 150. I weight around 150ish when we got Married and I know there is no way I could slip into my size 10 wedding dress these days.

Here is my weight loss by week:

Starting week 2 05.08.07 Weighed 176 pounds 2.8 pounds lost

start of week 3 05.15.07 Weighed 173.2 pounds 4.6 pounds lost

week 4 05.22.07 Weight: 172.4 pounds *5.4 pounds lost*

week 5 05.29.07 weight: 172.2 pounds 5.6 pounds lost

week 6 06.05.07 weight 169.2 pounds 8.6 pounds lost

So next week will be onto week number 7. I have 9.2 pounds to lose until I've lost 10% of my body weight. I will try and update this weekly and maybe I'll post some new recipes I've been trying and also maybe looking for a little encourangement.

I want to lose at least 25 pounds before we head to Vegas. I still have about 5 months to lose that, but could really use the encouragement along the way. Kevin is a huge help and a great supporter, as is Kelly, we check in with each other on our weigh-in day and see how the other is doing! I'm a believer that WW really does work and I think it's a great program. It's really helped me realize how much I was eating before and that I was eating WAY too much!

If you are trying to lose weight and not having any luck, I strongly suggest you check out It's a very easy program to follow. Like I said, I'm a BELIEVER! The even give you encouragement with your weekly weigh-in's. It's great!

Keep looking out for updates! :)


sandy gregg said...

Angela, I know you will reach the goal you are reaching for you are such an acheiver. Love Granny

Mary said...

Angela, I'm also confident you'll reach your goal. You have a good start and are in a good program. Water helps! Love, Mary

Anonymous said...


You are doing an awesome job! This will be kind of fun to both have blogs, I have never done this before!

With eachother's help we WILL be successful and be skinny-minis by the time we go to Vegas. Then we can go on a shopping spree before to get some new clothes!

Love ya and I am here for ya!! No more DQ blizzards :)