Tuesday, June 19, 2007

week 8...

Picture above: approximately 168 pounds. 06.17.07

This will be quick, as I'm tired and ready for bed!

I lost .2 pounds this week. I weighed in at 167.8 pounds. But that brings me to a grand total of 10 pounds lost! Which makes me feel good. I wish I would have lost more, but I had a crappy week of eating last week. We went out to lunch everyday I worked last week. I tried to eat well, but sometimes it's tough. Especially the days we have Pizza Ranch Buffet. I love it and hate it all at the same time. I love it because its so good, but hate it because I way over eat there.

I feel like I'm in need of some encouragement this week to help me along in my journey. I haven't been getting as much encouragement at home as I had in the past few weeks, and I don't consider "Should you be eating that?" as encouragement. Also, I need someone pushing me! And checking in on my weigh in's. Kelly and I check in with each other on weekly basis, but I need more support! Please help me along in my journey!

This week, I'm hoping I'm starting off on a better foot. Yesterday I had 3 good/healthy meals. Today I had my Kashi cereal, milk and oj for breakfast. A chicken taco salad for lunch and a chicken breast and mac and cheese for dinner. And a dish of light ice cream-mint chocolate chip for dessert. I also drank about 5 of my tumblers (24 oz tumbler) during my work day and have filled it up to take with to bed tonight.

On to week 9...


Mary said...

I just checked your blog. I'm sorry to hear you had a bad week of eating. I'm sure the indoor picnic didn't help you out either. I didn't help me but rather than lose .2 I gained .4 But we're into another week. You've lost 10. You've started out with good choices and it sounds like you're pushing the water. One of these days your body will decide that its ok to shed a bigger amount! You might just be a on a plateau. Sometimes they are harder to get off than you might think. But the fact is you are still losing even though it seems like you are trying in vain. Just hang in there, make a new start every day and I've heard that Crystal Light is good too! This is my third attempt at a comment this morning. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. It has worked before. Hopefully I've got the password thing working!
Love, Mary

Anonymous said...


You are doing great, keep up the good work. The best thing about WW is that you can have a couple bad weeks and still come out on top. This is the best lifestyle change ever, remember its not a diet! :) You have hit 10lbs already which is a huge accomplishment don't forget that. With any weight loss program the losses and gains come and go every week it, no matter how good/bad you think you are doing. Just start out fresh this week and see where it goes! Remember I am here to support you the whole way! I love ya!


Anonymous said...

Hey Angela,

I'm just learning about this blogging thing in my tech class... so we'll see how it goes!

Anyway, you have made so much progress already and the fact that you lost instead of gained is an accomplishment in itself. I am impressed with how far you've come, and I agree with Kelly, the awareness of a lifestyle change is just as important as losing the weight.

Keep up the good work!