Tuesday, June 26, 2007

week 9...

Well, I'm onto week #9 of weight watchers. I didn't think last week went very well, as I didn't seem to eat very well and I didn't really get a chance for exercise...it was just too dang hot for walking! But I did manage to get in a minimum of 96 ounces of water everday last week, minus the weekends, I never seem to drink as much water on the weekends as I do during the week. Must be the water cooler at work, it's so inviting! I don't think about it as much when I'm home, I don't drink much of anything at home. Mainly because the kids keep me busy when I'm home and I don't think of it much!

Over all, I feel somewhat sucessful, looking back however I really honestly couldn't tell you everything I ate all last week. I know I didn't do so hot over the weekend when we were out of town, it's always tough to eat right when we're away from home. Especially on Saturday when were at my Grandma's house and there was a lot of sweets sitting around all day, and her delectable pretty much sinful Chocolate chip bars, which I love, and I'm sure I ate a few too many throughout the day, but I also had a lot of fresh fruit over the weekend, so it's hard to say!
Now for the numbers...

Weight Loss for the week: 3 pounds!

Weight at weigh-in this morning: 164.8#

Total weightloss thus far: 13 pounds!

# of pounds to go until I've hit 10% loss: 4.8#

Goal by Paul's first birthday: 150#

Goal for the week: to exercise more, eat more fruits and veggies.

So far today I'm doing well. For breakfast I had a glass of milk, a small glass of oj, and 2 bran muffins. For lunch I had a chicken salad sandwhich on whole wheat bread with lettuce, a small amount of chips, a pickle spear and a diet coke. For dinner I had a Grilled Southwest Chicken Salad from McDonald's, which by the way is very tasty and only 6 points for the entire thing! I didn't even snack in between meals nor did I have a desire to snack between meals. And if I have enough will power I'll head to bed without having one of my Granny's chocolate chip cookies she sent home with me on Sunday. I feel really good about myself so far! Hopefully the rest of this week goes just as well!

Check back next week for another update!

1 comment:

Mary said...

Good morning,
Just checked in, looks like you did fine even though you were concerned about the weekend. Keep up the good work!
Love, Mary