Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Week 12

Well, I survived week 12...just barely! I didn't track at all last week. But I made it my goal and so far this week, I'm doing pretty good tracking! This will be short and sweet this week, as I don't have anything significant to report. I hit my 10% this week...FINALLY! Now I have 9.8 pounds to lose by Pauly's birthday! I think I can make it and then I will have hit my original goal, which has become my mini-goal! By my birthday I want to weigh 145 or less! I think I can make it, I need to keep setting mini-goals.

Current Weight: 159.8
Total loss: 18 pounds! Woo hoo!
Goal for the week: Continue tracking. Drink lots of water and eat healthy!

1 comment:

Mary said...

Just thought I'd see if you have an update. Good job! You are doing great. Keep pushing the water!