Monday, May 4, 2009

Weight Watchers, Week 1, Day 1

I'm officially re-starting weight watchers today!

This picture was taken May 3, 2009. Approx weight: 175.2#

I had to drop my subscription last summer when I found out I was pregnant with Adeline. So now that I'm two months, 1 week and 2 days postpartum I'm ready to get my butt in gear and get my body back! I gained forty pounds this pregnancy, the most I've gained during any of my three pregnancies, but I also started out at my lowest pre-pregnancy weight and kept it under the 200 pound mark this time. At two weeks postpartum I had lost all but 14 pounds, but had 20 pounds to go until my goal weight. Well, somewhere in the last few weeks I gained 5 pounds and now I have 25 pounds to lose to my goal weight! I'm not sure if it's all the wonderful food I ate over the weekend or what, but somewhere I gained 5 pounds!

It's amazing, I can fit into my pre-pregnancy size, however they just don't look as good as they once did! Hopefully soon that'll change!

My stats for today:
  • Start Weight: 175.2 (was 170.2 @ 2 weeks PP)
  • Pre-pregnancy weight: 156.0
  • End of pregnancy weight: 196
  • Goal weight: 150.0
Today's menu---I get 36 daily points because of nursing and 35 flex points for the week.

1 cup Cheerios 2 points
1/2 cup 1% milk 1 point
1/8 cup fresh strawberries cut up 0 points

breakfast total: 3 points

Large grilled chicken salad 5.5 points
water 0 points

lunch total: 5.5 points

2 pieces homemade bbq chicken pizza (recipe below) 6 points
1 cup 1% milk 2 points

dinner total: 8 points

Snacks: (through-out the day---not all at one time!)
2 graham crackers sheets 3 points
handful of baby carrots 0 points
1 milky way 6 points
3 Tbsp garlic hummus 1.5 points
6 pita chips 1.5 points
1 cup lemonade 2 points
1/2 cup chocolate ice cream w/ diced strawberries on top 3 points

Snack total: 17 points

40 minute walk, carrying Adeline in the Baby Bjorn and pushing the double stroller w/ Amelia and Paul in it. 2 activity points

Total Activity Points: 2 points

Total points used for the day: 33.5 points
leftover points: 2.5 points

I started weight watchers almost exactly two years ago to the day when I was 6 months postpartum with Paul. At that time I weighed 177.8 pounds and at my lowest (about 3 months after starting WW) I weighed 154 and struggled to lose the remaining 4 points after that! I know Weight Watchers can work for me, it's a mind over matter kind of deal! Wish me luck! I'll try and update this daily if possible. My weigh-in day will be Mondays!

Soon I want to be able to rock that dress in the post below! That picture was from my dad's wedding last May about a month before I found out I was pregnant again!

Thanks for the support!

BBQ Chicken Pizza
1-roll of crescent rolls
2 cups leftover rotisserie chicken-cut up
1-8 oz can of tomato sauce
4 oz Open Pit BBQ sauce
1 cup part skim mozzarealla cheese
1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese

Roll crescent rolls out onto a cookie sheet. Mix chicken with tomato sauce and open pit, spread over the top of the crescent rolls, top with cheeses and bake in a 350 degree oven for about 20 minutes. Slice into 12 pieces. One piece=3 points

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